The Legacy
a thriller
NADINE: All this talk about alcoholism is making me thirsty.
After the death of Sidney Moore, a billionaire with lots of secrets, his widow and mistress meet to settle their differences before the reading of the will. But their differences, it's soon clear, are unbridgeable. Who will get the bulk of Moore's estate? What sorts of shady dealings was he involved in? Was the man who went to jail for killing Moore's daughter really guilty? How did Sidney Moore really die?
The Legacy was first presented by the Playwrights' Round Table in Orlando, FL on April 4, 2014. For more information about The Legacy, please visit The Legacy's website.
Playwrights' Round Table
Playwrights' Round Table
The Playwrights' Roundtable production of The Legacy. Photos by Jim Cundiff. (Used by permission.)
Ross Valley Players
Ross Valley Players
The Ross Valley Players production of The Legacy. Photos by Gregg LeBlanc. (Used by permission.)