
What You Will

"an absolutely delightful comedy romp. Anybody who likes theater ought to love it ... , ... a theatrical dream" --John Orr,

"a thoroughly unique piece of theatre" --Kaila Prins, Palo Alto Weekly

"Mother Lode of laugh-out-loud lines" --Joanne Engelhardt, Palo Alto Daily News

"a fast-paced mélange of quips and quotes that provide in their new play placement as much or more fun and laughter as do the silly mix-ups, slapstick shenanigans, and singularly unique characters" --Eddie Reynolds, Talkin' Broadway

"not just a clever experiment, but a pleasingly diverting tale in its own right" --Sam Hurwitt, Mercury News

"a hilarious crowd-pleaser" --Palo Alto Daily News

The Legacy

"thrills without frills..., ... gets the action going right from the start ... . It's gratifying that Gutmann's tangled story does make sense at the end — he even drops some important clues early on for those who listen and watch closely." -- Matthew J. Palm, Orlando Sentinel